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The profession of choir artist differs quite a bit from that of the soloist and is certainly more demanding in several respects.

Suffice it to say that the choir artist must sing a varied repertoire, ranging from baroque to realism, from Mozart to Verdi and Luigi Nono, unlike the soloist who, once he has identified his own repertoire, focuses exclusively on that.

Another difficulty consists in having to sing for years within a more or less numerous group, without the possibility of hearing one's own voice clearly, with the risk of overexerting oneself in order to dominate one's colleagues.
In essence, the profession of a choir artist can be demanding unless you have solid vocal technique.​

To become a Choir Artist, training is therefore necessary that embraces both the individual and collective singing path.
Currently, there is a strong influx of young talents coming from all over the world and heading to Italy to perfect themselves in opera singing. The objective of the OltreVoce Project is to prepare future choral artists to be able to face competitions in the most famous choral companies in the world.
The competitions for the choirs of the Foundations and Opera Organizations have become increasingly demanding.
In addition to romances, excellent sight reading and the ability to perform the most complex choral pieces by profoundly different authors are required.​

There are numerous vacancies in choirs around the world precisely because it is difficult to find trained voices during competitions. Candidates often come prepared for a solo career, but not for a choral one.
Our strength is the teachers, all professionals with years of experience in the most important theaters in the world.

Lessons with our teachers have immense value, as they derive from years of direct experience with the greatest choir directors, conductors and directors.
The choir is a single organism, despite being made up of many people. Knowing how to be on stage is also an integral and fundamental part of this wonderful profession.




  • Individual singing

  • Choral vocality

  • Study of the choral repertoire

  • Interpretation of the choral repertoire based on the indications of the various conductors

  • Solfeggio theory and sight reading

  • Stage art

OltreVoce is always updated on auditions and competitions from all foundations and entities around the world, including the requested programs.


This is why our students are prepared to face any situation.

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